If you have any questions or advice, We would do our best to answer them.

WonilBio Co., Ltd. has established and revealed the following privacy policy to protect information object(client)’s private information according to ARTICLE 30, PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION ACT and to process any related difficulties smoothly and fast:
1. Purpose of Processing Private Information – Wonilbio Co., Ltd. processes the private information for, and none other than, the following purposes:
Checking the client’s registration intention, identification to provide service for the client, membership maintenance and management,
2. Period of Process and Possession of Privacy Information Wonilbio Co., Ltd. processes/possesses private information for the period of use/possession consented by the information object upon the information collection or the period specified by the law.
② Details of the period of process and possession of private information is as follows:
- Member registration and management: During service use contract period or until the membership cancellation; if the claim-obligation relationship remains until the relationship is resolved. - Contracts, subscription withdrawal, payments, currency, etc. provision record on e-commerce: 5 years
3. Provision of Private Information to Third Parties – Wonilbio Co., Ltd. does not provide private information to third parties except
4. Entrusting Private Information
① Wonilbio Co., Ltd. does not entrust private information processing work to an external party.
② Upon signing entrust contract, as ARTICLE 25, PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION ACT states, Wonilbio Co., Ltd. clearly states the prohibition of private information process except for the purpose of the entrusting item, and responsibilities on management and supervision on the trustee on the document, and we supervise if the trustee is safely processing the personal information.
5. Exercising Rights for Information Objects and Legal Representatives
Information objects can exercise their rights about personal information protection for the following clauses.
1) Request to browse personal information 2) Request to edit if there are errors with personal information
3) Request to delete personal information 4) Request to suspend information process
6. Information Items Processed Wonilbio Co., Ltd. processes the following private information items. 1) Name, Phone Number, Mobile Number, Email Address 2) Children under the age of 14 cannot register due to the characteristic of the service. To protect the private information of children under the age of 14, member registration is allowed for only people of the age of 14 to not collect private information of children.
7. Destruction of Personal Information ① Wonilbio Co., Ltd. destroys the personal information without any delay if the period of information possession is expired or the personal information is not needed anymore for the purpose being achieved.
② Wonilbio Co., Ltd. destroys the personal information by the following
- Electronic File: File Deletion and Formatting storage media, like disks.
- Written Documents: Shredded or incinerated.
8. Securing Safety of Private Information – Wonilbio Co., Ltd. is taking the following measure to secure the safety of private information.
- Administrative Measure: Establishing and executing an internal management plan & periodic education for staff and employee
- Technical Measure: Managing access permission, such as setting passwords for Private information process systems (or computers with private information stored), installing security programs such as vaccine software, and encrypting files with private information stored.
- Physical Measure: Limiting access to the location with private information stored.
9. Installation, operation, and denial of automatic private information collector
① Wonilbio Co., Ltd. users ‘cookie’ that saves and loads usage information to provide services customized to individuals. ② Cookie is a small piece of information that the server(http), the device used to operate the website, sends to the browser of the computer of the user, and this is sometimes stored on the hard disk inside the user’s computer. A. Purpose of Cookies: It grasps the services and websites the user visited, popular searches, secure connection users, etc. to provide optimized information to the user.
B. Installation/Operation and Denial of Cookies: You can deny cookie saves by setting it at Tools > Internet Option> Privacy. C. If you deny cookie storage there may be difficulties with using customized services.
10. Privacy Protection Manager – Wonilbio Co., Ltd. has a privacy protection manager who is responsible for the privacy information processing and dealing with complaints and damage relief regarding private information processes and related information objects as the following:

Factory1 56, Bio valley 1-ro, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do

Factory2 41, Bio valley 2-ro, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do 

Tel +82-(0)70-4435-2208│Fax +82-(0)43-657-8505

 Email :

CEO : JeGeun Han│Charge of handling personal information protection  SoYoung Jeong 


근무시간 안내

Mon to Fri - 9AM to 6PM

Copyright 2022. Wonil Bio All rights reserved.

1:1 문의

Factory1 56, Bio valley 1-ro, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do

Factory2 41, Bio valley 2-ro, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do

Tel +82-070-4423-9202│Fax +82-043-651-8878 │Email

CEO : JeGeun Han│Charge of handling personal information protection  SoYoung Jeong 

CONTACT US    Location 

Copyright 2022. Wonil Bio All rights reserved.